
What's your relationship elixir?


RELATIONSHIPS... With Friends. Partners. Kids. Parents. Siblings. Colleagues. Teachers.

Some last for just a set period of time as you grow together and learn what you need to learn about yourself at that moment; some last for a lifetime.

What they have in common though is their importance. Indeed, more than important, they are VITAL.

Because we are social creatures. We crave connection. Meaningful connection with others. A sense of belonging. Of being accepted. For who we are, not who we feel or have been told we 'should' be.

For who else picks us up when we are down? Who else validates us when we really need it? Because let's face it, even though we're "meant" to be able to validate ourselves and we're meant not to need to rely on others for proof of our worth, sometimes it really, really helps to know that others think you are really, really great, just as you are.

For me, the key to experiencing a meaningful connection with someone else - whoever that is - is honesty. Honesty in how you express yourself and honesty about what you are REALLY feeling at any one time. Radical honesty. Which is NOT easy. But gifting yourself that lays a beautiful foundation for deep connection and one in which you feel really valued for who you are not just for the mask you are showing others.

These are just some of the things I like to explore in my coaching sessions. Please let me know if you want to learn more : )

What are your successful relationship secrets? How do you maintain meaningful connections with others? I'd love to hear! Please share in the comments below! And don't forget you can also follow me on facebookyoutubetwitterinstagram & pinterest!