why women carry shame


Do you carry a trait that you feel ashamed of? That you are too loud, too quiet, too selfish, too lazy or too dim perhaps?

Have you ever thought that the stigma you carry around this may not be yours?

Often we internalise the shame that was projected onto us by others because what is actually one of our qualities makes other people feel uncomfortable.

Watch more to find out how to transform what might feel like a hidden burden into an attribute you are proud to share!

Are you fulfilling your greatest potential, mama? Are you getting paid to do what you love whilst parenting in a calm and positive way? Are you feeling happy and fulfilled both at work and at home? Because you deserve to! Book a complimentary discovery session with me on skype (no strings attached) and we can explore taking concrete steps towards creating a life in which you feel motivated and in control once more!  

Don’t forget you can also follow me on facebookyoutube & instagram!

What exactly IS a life coach & why I chose to be one


What is a life coach and why every mama should try one!

Are you fulfilling your greatest potential, mama? Are you getting paid to do what you love whilst parenting in a calm and positive way? Are you feeling happy and fulfilled both at work and at home? Because you deserve to! Book a complimentary discovery session with me on skype (no strings attached) and we can explore taking concrete steps towards creating a life in which you feel motivated and in control once more!  

Don’t forget you can also follow me on facebookyoutube & instagram!

how to Find your uniqueness


What does being authentic really means? Who are you deep down, what sets you apart from others, are you currently the same person that you want to be? Watch this video to find out what happens when you do!

Are you fulfilling your greatest potential, mama? Are you getting paid to do what you love whilst parenting in a calm and positive way? Are you feeling happy and fulfilled both at work and at home? Because you deserve to! Book a complimentary discovery session with me on skype (no strings attached) and we can explore taking concrete steps towards creating a life in which you feel motivated and in control once more!  

Don’t forget you can also follow me on facebookyoutube & instagram!

on daring NOT to be different


Our appearance is the public face of what is going on inside. We can either choose to fit in or to branch out. My side-shave was something I had wanted to try for years. And I kind of liked it. Until I realised that it was a conscious attempt to distance myself from the judgements I believed people were already making about me...

Are you fulfilling your greatest potential, mama? Are you getting paid to do what you love whilst parenting in a calm and positive way? Are you feeling happy and fulfilled both at work and at home? Because you deserve to! Book a complimentary discovery session with me on skype (no strings attached) and we can explore taking concrete steps towards creating a life in which you feel motivated and in control once more!  

Don’t forget you can also follow me on facebookyoutube & instagram!

Why healing seems to take forever


Have you ever felt surprised that something should bother you so much because you thought you were over it?

Yup. Me too. And that's because healing is a SPIRAL. You do not heal a wound (what is underneath what is bothering you) in one go - it heals in layers. And that takes time. Unfortunately. There are no quick fixes. Just inner-parenting, journalling, a good old cry and some affirmations...

Are you fulfilling your greatest potential, mama? Are you getting paid to do what you love whilst parenting in a calm and positive way? Are you feeling happy and fulfilled both at work and at home? Because you deserve to! Book a complimentary discovery session with me on skype (no strings attached) and we can explore taking concrete steps towards creating a life in which you feel motivated and in control once more!  

Don’t forget you can also follow me on facebookyoutube & instagram!