BoboMama processes personal information to enable me to promote and provide my services as a life coach and women’s circle holder, as well as to maintain my own accounts and records.


BoboMama processes information relating to the above reasons/purposes which may include:

  • personal details

  • employment details

  • family, lifestyle and social circumstances

  • business activities

  • education details (if you entered any the above in your online pre-coaching questionnaire or feedback forms)

  • goods and services provided (to you by me)

  • financial details (if you used my website to buy a coaching package or to book your place at a women’s circle)


BoboMama also processes sensitive classes of information that may include:

  • physical or mental health details

  • offences and alleged offences

  • racial or ethnic origin

  • religious or other beliefs of a similar nature (only if you have informed me of any of the above either in your online pre-coaching questionnaire and feedback forms or if we have discussed these together during our coaching sessions)


BoboMama processes personal information about:

  • customers and clients

  • complainants and enquirers

  • suppliers

  • professional advisers and consultants


(Client records are kept for seven years after our last session so that I can defend myself against a complaint should this be necessary. This is because of the UK legislation for certain injury claims which has a time frame of 6 years.)


BoboMama adopts the necessary practices to keep your data safe:

  • I operate a clear desk system (no sensitive files are left lying around)

  • Files are locked away in coaching-specific cabinets

  • My computer automatically locks and is secure password-protected

  • I do not use public wifi networks to access the internet


BoboMama sometimes needs to share the personal information I process with the individual themselves (you) and also with other organisations. Where this is necessary I am required to comply with all aspects of the Data Protection Act (DPA). What follows is a description of the types of organisations with whom I may need to share some of the personal information I process (where necessary or required for one or more reasons):

  • financial organisations

  • educators and examining bodies

  • central government

  • family, associates and representatives of the person whose personal data we are processing

  • suppliers and services providers

  • business associates

  • professional advisers


BoboMama does not transfer data outside the EEA


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Please do get in touch to discuss any queries you may have.